PCOS and Weight Loss

If you are one of the many women suffering from PCOS, then you can probably relate to my never ending battle with weight loss and weight maintenance. I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 17 years old. By the time I was 26, I weighed 243 pounds. In March of 2006, I started my journey towards overcoming PCOS and achieving weight loss success.

I had read every book there was that discussed PCOS and suggested diets. I’m not much of a cook so none of the meal plans really seemed feasible for me. I knew that it would take a drastic change in order to be successful. First, I made significant changes to my diet. You can learn more by visiting My Diet Criteria.  I was extremely self-conscious and the thought of going to a gym was terrifying. I knew that diet alone would have a large impact on my weight. I reduced the amount of calories I consumed each day. Knowing that insulin levels were a factor, I cut out almost all of the carbohydrates from my diet. Within three months, I had lost 35 pounds and was on my way. Once I had lost 40 pounds, I knew that it was time to start exercising to help the body tone. Through diet and exercise, I was able to overcome the side effects of PCOS and lose 80 pounds within one year’s time.

Since my weight loss journey started, I have taken every opportunity to share my story with those fighting their own battle in hopes that they too could overcome PCOS and have weight loss success. It is for that reason that I decided to start this blog. I know what it’s like to be the “big” girl. I know what it’s like to look in the mirror and hate what you see day in and day out. I know what it’s like to try every “diet” trend and fail miserably. I have been there. I have stood in your shoes.

Now, I stand before you sharing my PCOS weight loss success story with you so that you will know that it is possible and you too can achieve the same success that I have. My goal is to share tips and experiences with you that will help aid in your weight loss success.

The first thing you have to do in order to be successful is to decide, here and now, that today you are going to do what it takes to overcome PCOS and achieve weight loss success. I do not promise that it will be easy. I only promise that it will be worth it.